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What does the Columbus Männerchor do?
The regular activities of the Columbus Männerchor include weekly chorus practices on Tuesday nights, a monthly Stammtisch (informal member gatherings), regular concerts throughout the year as well as performances throughout the region. Additionally, we have seasonal events at the Haus and a large number of informal activities (especially during the Oktoberfest season).
Do I need to speak German to be a member?
No, proficiency with the German language is not a requirement to join the Columbus Männerchor. However, learning the language is encouraged and interested individuals will have ample opportunity to speak with both native and non-native German speakers.
Is it required for me to have German heritage?
No, there are no requirements related to ancestry or culture. Any who are interested in our mission to celebrate Germanic culture and music are welcome.
Do I need to have trained/professional singing experience?
Trained and/or professional singing experience is not required for membership. Those wishing to become a singing member will be evaluated on basic singing skills and compatibility with the chorus.
What benefits come with my membership?
In addition to comradery and Gemütlichkeit, social and singing members will be provided with a locally crafted Männerchor stein to keep at the Haus, custom Männerchor attire, a 20% discount on food at Valter's at the Männerchor, and access to Männerchor facilities and events.
What are the membership dues?
Annual member dues depend on membership type:
Social Membership: $125
Singer Membership: $100 (plus contributions to the singers' fund)
Members in Absentia: $65
Students: $0
What would be expected of me as a member?
Singing members are expected to attend rehearsal every Tuesday night, as well as official performances. Of course family obligations and other responsibilities will lead to necessary absences, and we only ask that singers communicate such occurrences to their respective section leaders. There are no attendance requirements for social members.
How do I join?
A membership application can be submitted by selecting New Member Signup on our homepage and filling out the provided form. However, we encourage every interested individual to first visit the Männerchor, take part in a rehearsal and/or event, speak to current members, and generally familiarize yourself with the membership and operations of the club prior to submitting your application. Not only does this help prospective members get a better idea of what they are looking to join, it will help streamline the approval process.